Sunday, September 6, 2009

My baby lost his first tooth!!

I can not believe I am writing this, but Derrick lost a tooth tonight. He was out playing football with Ryan, and all of a sudden he came to the door and said "Mama, my tooth fell out!!" I could not believe what I was hearing, but indeed he did! Now he is going to start kindergarten having allready lost a tooth...Now let me mention, that Ryan did not lose his first tooth until January of this year and he was 7 and in Second Grade. So yes, I am allready not looking forward to putting Derrick on the bus for the first time this week and now he has lost a tooth. Time really does fly.........


  1. so where are they first day of kindergarten at?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Mr. Anonymous....
    Pics are now posted and there is one with Paige in her very cute plaid outfit!!!!
